Then the kettle drum , then the snare , then the bass drum and cymbals , then crackling light against the dark , and the gods grinning and licking their chops in the hills [ 8 ] 定音鼓,军鼓,低音鼓,铙钹,相继响起,突然,天界的闪光撕开黑幕,诸神舔着嘴角俯视苍生,他们恣意的狞笑声传到山间,隐隐回荡。
Would government consider enhancing the chinese character of the concert hall by equipping it with chinese musical instruments such as bianzhong , yunnan s shuigu , or the largest drum and cymbals in china 是否可在音乐厅内考虑设置富中国色彩的乐器,如编钟、云南的水鼓及全中国最大的鼓及锣等,展示中国的文化特色?